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Privacy Policy, Cookies & Anti-Slavery Policy

Privacy and Research In Finance

We are a market intelligence, publishing and business information provider specialising in the UK and European financial services industry. To put it simply, we conduct research on the opinions and behaviour of people working in or affected by the financial services sector.

Our independent research projects are carried out on behalf of our clients, who are third parties such as banks and investment companies. We never pass your personal details to our clients. Collectively, the anonymous responses to the surveys we conduct help to inform our clients’ business strategies, improving the service they provide to their customers.

We respect your personal privacy and the rights you have under law. This policy aims to explain how and why we use your information on our websites and throughout our business.

The contact details for Research In Finance Limited (company number 08441324) are:

80 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ

[email protected]

Email us at the above address with any questions you have about our privacy policy or about the information we have on you (if any).

What information do we collect?

For more details on the anonymous information collected about you by visiting one of our websites, please see our section on Cookies below or contact us at the email address above.

By helping us with our research – for example in one of our online surveys, telephone interviews or face-to-face focus groups – or otherwise contacting us we may collect some of the following types of information from you:

Email and Social media

We keep records of emails, social media posts and other electronic messages sent and received between you and us so that we can properly communicate with you. We believe it is appropriate to keep records of our communication with you as they may be required in the future for legal purposes.

Payment information

If we recompense you for the time taken to, for example, fill in one of our surveys we will keep records of your name and contact details and confirmation that correct payment has been made. This is part of the contract you enter into when taking the survey. If you choose not to provide us with this information, we may be unable to fulfil the terms of that contract.

Please note the terms set out on each individual survey invitation or introduction page. For example our policy will be to only recompense fully considered and completed surveys and only one response will be accepted per person. Only the person explicitly invited to the survey will also be recompensed. We do not accept responses from surveys that may have been forwarded on. Recompense will always be at our discretion and we do check each response for validity including monitoring of IP addresses should we believe multiple surveys have been taken by one person.

If a reimbursement remains unclaimed for more than 2 years Research in Finance reserve the right to reissue that reimbursement to another survey respondent.

If you do have a friend/colleague that also wishes to participate in a study you have been invited to please email their details to: [email protected] and we can send a link to them.

Survey data

By becoming part of our research panel you provide us with a wide range of information about yourself which varies from survey to survey. Only the aggregated, anonymous survey results are passed to our clients. Our interest in performing such research projects and processing the information you provide us with is to generate valuable insights for our clients. Your responses may form part of future research projects, for example to see how people’s opinions change over time. If you attend a survey in person, for example in a focus group, you will be asked to sign an agreement related to your privacy rights.

Sensitive or ‘Profiling’ data

We do not collect sensitive data from you. Sensitive data is defined by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as being information about your “racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership … genetic data, data concerning health or data concerning sex life or criminal convictions and offences or related security measures”. Neither do we perform any kind of automated decision-making or large-scale profiling, or process information about children or other vulnerable people.

Who can we share your information with?

It is possible, though unlikely, that we may be asked to share your data with official authorities such as the UK Government or Police Service.

Were we to undergo a corporate event such as a merger, the resultant company would inherit our legal responsibilities for protecting your data and continue to do so.

Keeping your information secure

Multiple security measures are in place to prevent inappropriate or unauthorised access to your information.

This includes limiting access to your information to certain of our employees, reflecting their role within the company.

Should a data breach occur we you and the UK regulator will be notified as required by law.

Information is not transferred outside of the EU except to data processors in the USA who are obliged by law to adhere to the EU-US Privacy Shield and protect your information as securely as UK/EU-based companies.

How long will we keep your information for?

Our policy is to keep your survey responses on file for no longer than necessary. While we do not collect sensitive information, we still feel it is appropriate to make your survey responses anonymous – and therefore not subject to GDPR, for example – once the research project is over and it is unlikely to negatively impact future projects where, for example, it may be useful to see how opinions have changed over time.

For some other types of data we are obliged by law to retain it for longer periods. For example if you are a customer of ours we are required to retain information on legal contracts for six years.

We judge the ‘retention period’ on a case by case basis dependent on the survey questions being asked and the format of the information. For example a video interview may be deemed more sensitive than written answers to a question, and so be deleted sooner.

What are my rights?

You have the right to know what information we hold about you. Just get in touch with us at the address above and we will aim to get back to you in under a month. As a security measure we may first ask you to provide proof of identity.

You can also request we amend your information if you feel it is incorrect, ask for it to be sent to a third party, or even have it deleted. If we feel your request is unreasonable we may respectfully decline to carry it out, or charge a fee for doing so.

Should you feel we have not handled your request to your satisfaction you may complain to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office, ico.org.uk) in the UK, but we hope you raise any complaints with us directly first so we have an opportunity to resolve any issue.

Attending events

If you attend one of our events (in-person or webinar) we hope you find the speakers informative and engaging.

When you register for an event you will be asked to confirm that we can pass your contact details to the speakers on the day, so they can provide you with more information on their companies’ products and services. They may contact you directly and their use of your data will be governed by their own privacy policy. Events may attract additional sponsors after the date you have signed up to attend, but all sponsors will be identified on the event programme in advance. You are welcome to withdraw this consent at any time before the event. If you are unable to attend an event you are interested in we may contact you regarding future events in the same area or on the same theme. Please note if the event is a webinar and you watch a webinar on catch up post event you may also be contacted by speakers/sponsors of that webinar.

Marketing emails

If you receive an occasional marketing email from us it is because you have previously given us your consent to do so. In each email you will be able to opt out of further emails. Typically you will only receive emails from us if you opted in (and have not since opted out) or if you asked us for more information on our services.

We do not share your email address with any third party for marketing purposes. If we wished to do so in future we would first gain your explicit consent to do so, but for the avoidance of doubt we have no intention of doing so.

If you wish to be removed from our marketing list simply follow the unsubscribe link on the email, or email us at the address above.


As do most websites, we use cookies to help personalise the content of our websites to your needs, for example to make logging in easier or to remember your preferences. You are welcome to switch them off in your browser, but you may then find many websites become less accessible and you may be unable to complete our research surveys.

We also track how people use our websites using cookies such as the third-party ‘Google Analytics’ cookie, but we do not record any personally identifiable information when doing so. This tracking helps us see which parts of a website work best and which may need improvement.

When you visit other websites linked to from ours, we can offer no warranty as to how they handle cookies.

For more information on cookies please visit www.aboutcookies.org.uk

Anti-Slavery Policy

RiF Policies