The term “institutional research” refers to a variety of tasks including the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of data describing an institution and its operations, including its management, programmes, students, and staff.
Institutional research is the systematic investigation and assessment of investment opportunities, market trends, and financial performance carried out by institutional investors.
Significant quantities of capital are distributed among numerous asset classes, including equities, bonds, commodities, real estate, and alternative assets, by institutional investors, including pension funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, and hedge funds.
For institutional investors to make knowledgeable investment decisions, maximise returns, and manage risk, conducting financial research is essential. We access the gatekeepers and decision-makers in the industry and deliver cutting edge insight for the benefit of institutional investors.
Our annual UK Institutional Market Study (UKIMS), launched in 2015, is a rolling project that provides the institutional investor research and insight gathered over 12-month periods. From investment consultants to the scheme managers and CIO’s across both DB and DC to those trustees engaged in investment-related matters and the independent trustees supporting them. RiF have unrivalled access and, more importantly, the trust of this community to improve outcomes for their members.
Our bespoke institutional investor research has covered a variety of aspects of the UK pensions market including auto enrolment, scheme management, workplace savings and transition management, as well as the assessment of the appetite for different investment themes, brand recall and market awareness.
"Research in Finance understand the market place very well and continually give good insight into what our clients are thinking and how the market place is changing and developing. The syndicated research is well thought out and delivered and their project work is always delivered on time and on budget."